37% of Americans are Creationists

We live in a world of incredible technology. In an instant, I can call someone half a world away, and speak with them as though they were next to me. We have decoded the human genome, and put people on the moon. We have reached a level of technological sophistication never reached before, and yet, in the United States, over 37% of their people are convinced that evolution is a lie, and that a magical super-being created it all only a few thousand years ago.

The reason for this tragedy is obvious: religious groups have been working diligently to gut education, out of the legitimate fear that learning more about the world has corrosive effect on faith. How else could you explain that more than half of the population can’t read at a 6th grade level? With such pathetic numbers, it’s actually surprising that creationism isn’t more popular than it already is.

Now, with Trump in power, the religious right is having a renaissance. They are gutting governments of anyone who isn’t loyal, and their plan is to destroy secular education, only to replace it with their useless Christian education. We are at war with these morons, and unfortunately, they are winning big. What percentage of Americans will deny evolution in a few years? We could see this number climb as more and more religious schools start popping up.

It’s a depressing time to be a non believer, that’s for sure.