Abuse Allegations for Supposed Saint Abbe Pierre

If you live long enough in the catholic church, you’ll finally be revealed as the villain you are. Take for instance Father Abbe Pierre. Although he died a few years ago, he was so beloved that there had been talk of his sainthood. Those plans are in jeopardy now that a number of women have come forward with credible accusations of abuse.

“We are in a state of shock, very hurt and very angry,” said Christophe Robert, who heads the Abbé Pierre Foundation. “We extend our fullest support to all the victims who have had the courage to speak out.” .. More perplexing to many is growing evidence that colleagues in Emmaus – and in the Catholic Church – were aware of Abbé Pierre’s sexual behaviour, but failed to speak out.

This is “perplexing” to exactly no one familiar with the M.O. of this sinister organization. Need I remind the reader that it was only a few years ago that we learned of a secret memo from the head of the Inquisition (renamed “Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith”) Joseph Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI, who specified that any priest caught talking with police would be excommunicated from the church.

So, even if someone had wanted to report that despicable behavior of this sex pervert, they would have risked their livelihood, their social circle, and their immortal soul. While I think it’s worth it if it saves anyone from being a future victim, this is not a sentiment held by a institution that claims to be the living avatar for an all powerful creator god…it just makes you want to burst out laughing saying such silly things, doesn’t it?