Alberta is run by morons

I can’t beat around the bush when it comes to Alberta and their education policy: moronic is too kind a word, but I’m working on toning down my swearing. Their government is proposing a new bill allowing parents to pull their children from discussions of evolution or homosexuality in public schools, and it’s expected to pass. Parents who want their children to be sheltered from evolutionary fact, or from sexual identity issues will now have the freedom to restrict their education. Alberta has taken a giant step towards becoming Arkansas.

Despite what some very polite Christians may be telling you, this is quite clearly the result of the war on science and homosexuality their precious religion is bent on fighting. I don’t find it at all surprising religious conservatives are using their political power to force their beliefs on us. What I find surprising is how easily they are getting away with this garbage. Do we have no one with the balls to tell these morons to take a hike? Are we going to let them pull their ‘be tolerant of our views’ bullshit while they simultaneously preach intolerance of others?