Another blow for Mormons

One of the crappy things about being a fairly recent religion is without the benefit of long stretches of time, the claims made in your religious tomes can usually be tested. Take for instance the Book of Mormon and its claim Native Americans are descendants of Lehi, a prophet who immigrated from Jerusalem to the Americas. Despite the fact there is no archeological evidence to support this claim, many Mormon apologists have tried in vain to put the burden of proof on the scientific community (by stating Lehi’s wife was of unknown origins). The scientific community eventually responded by genetically testing native populations to see if there was any evidence that this was, in fact, possible. Unsurprisingly, the lab results have shown they did not descend in any way from Jews. Case closed, right?

Well, that’s never going to be enough proof for the faithful droves to abandon their silly religion. They already have way too much invested in their nonsense to care about the truth anyways. Of course, it must secretly burn their insides that so far every claim which can be tested historically, archeologically, or scientifically has shown unequivocally that Mormonism is entirely the product of Joseph Smith’s delusional mind. This is the same dude who claims to have done more for mankind than anyone who has ever lived. That honor actually goes to this man, but I still find it funny that the same guy who is arrested several times for fraud ends up becoming a religious prophet. It just goes to show the ultimate scam is, and will forever be, religion.