Anti-Muslim flyer offends everyone…(almost)

REVISION: I’d like to start off by saying I was entirely wrong about the intent of this flyer when I originally wrote this article. I first thought this (a flyer which appeared in George Washington University) was just another example of anti-Muslim propaganda, and failed to notice its over the top nature screamed satire. The problem, I have now come to realize, is such a flyer is entirely within the realm of possibility. I have therefore retracted my previous statements.

I would also like to point out the article upon which I based this entry also failed to make the proper fact check. If it had, it would have realized the small lettering near the bottom, which says “Seriously, do a search for the power of Nightmares”, pointed to an article exposing the use of fear propaganda for the purpose of population control.

After careful consideration, and a little bit more research, I have to admit the flyer is a bit of poorly executed satire. It was meant as a way of garnering attention to the fact Conservatives are attempting to vilify Muslims in order to increase their foothold in the political world. But unfortunately for the satirists, it seems more attention was focused on the blatant racism and bigotry of the writing. Still, what are we to think of such a piece? Although the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism is a definite concern, I can’t help but feel both sides have this all wrong. Undoubtedly, there is a significant proportion (although by no means the majority) who dislike Western civilization, but it certainly does not drive anyone to mass murder. The growing trend of suicide bombings is a disturbing trend to be sure, but it still remains a fringe movement in the religion. What most people fail to realize is the majority of targets of sectarian violence is a result of schisms within the Islamic faith, and does not come from without.

At the same time, we have to be fearful of the fact that the growing religious fundamentalist movement will continue to cause violent conflict in the world. Reminding us that we need to be more tolerant, and respectful of other beliefs, eliminates the debate over whether those beliefs are tolerable in the first place. Just what are we to do?

I admire the effort to demonstrate the fear mongering tactics of the right; unfortunately, the impact of this flyer seems to have been entirely lost on everyone, including myself (at first). I was so eager to point out the inanity of it all that I forgot to look beyond the obvious façade. Still, if a studious person as myself can easily jump to a forgone conclusion, it would seem to indicate that at the very least, the satire perhaps isn’t hitting the right cord.

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