Australian Muslims Double Down on Antisemitism

It can sometimes appear, to the very naïve, as though differing religions have a great deal in common. Islam and Christianity are offshoots of Judaism, and despite the occasional proclamation that they all have high regards for one another (saying they are all “People of the Book”), in truth these are all lies meant to draw focus away from the daily conflict the intersection of these faiths create. While it would be fair to say that the recent conflict in Gaza has only worsened the situation, only a fool believes that the so-called “Great Monotheistic Faiths” have anything but murderous intent for the other.

In Australia, authorities are investigating two Muslim nurses who posted a video online claiming they had purposefully killed Jewish babies in hospitals. This comes on the heel of multiple acts of vandalism at schools and synagogues, capping in a record year for anti-Semitic crimes in the country. The death of countless Palestinians is a perfect opportunity for vengeful theists to recruit more soldiers in their relentless sectarian crusade, and it seems as though there are plenty of believers willing to take things very seriously indeed.

Now, with such a dreadful admission, you would think that the Muslim community would distance themselves from such an obviously deranged person. They did the opposite, of course, claiming that the nurses who maid the sick comment are the real victims in the situation, since they have been placed on a leave of absence pending the investigation.

You could pretend that these are just bad eggs. I believe it is only the tip of this shit iceberg. Religious folks are perfectly fine lying to the faces of infidels, as there is no obligation in their belief system that they need to be truthful with the rest of us. I believe this sentiment is felt by the majority of Muslims, who think they have been humiliated and “wronged” for hundreds of years. They want the demise of western democracies, whom they see as being allied with their mortal enemy, and think that living under a theocracy is the best way to live.

The tragedy in all of this is that there will probably be soft headed idiots trying to defend the very people who despise them. All they see is a marginalized group, rather than a sick death cult that is secretly trying to destroy the foundations of their government to claim power for themselves. My advise to them is this: stop seeing only the color of their skin, and start listening to what they preach about. You will be shocked, to say the least.