Being a Woman in Afghanistan Sucks

If there’s one thing that the followers of the prophet Mohammed are afraid of, it’s women. How else could you explain their obsession with ensuring that they are in a state of near constant subjugation? If they aren’t suffocating in the world’s most restrictive clothing, they are denied the basic rights that are given to men. They are considered no better than property, with all the rights that entails.

In Afghanistan, where the Taliban rule, women have been the target of increasingly draconian rules. The latest is an edict that forbids women from singing, or even from reading in public:

A woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting, or reading aloud in public. It is forbidden for women to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa. “Inshallah we assure you that this Islamic law will be of great help in the promotion of virtue and the elimination of vice,” said ministry spokesman Maulvi Abdul Ghafar Farooq on Thursday, of the new laws.

These sexually repressed weirdos are so pathetic, they consider the voice of a woman to be enough to corrupt their men. No wonder they have such high incidences of sexual assault: Muslim men want to blame everyone but themselves for their shitty, entitled behavior. This is the male ego writ large, and it’s a profoundly ugly thing.

You can imagine what “enforcement” of these ridiculous laws will be like. In Iran, where similar laws exists, women are routinely beaten, and sometimes killed, simply for the crime of not following ridiculous laws.

There will never be peace in our time, or the full emancipation of women, until religions like Islam are abandoned completely. Until the last prayer is uttered, this pathetic religion will continue to impose it’s limited vision of humanity, cursing the opposite sex to a life of servitude and ignorance.