Christians Get Off on Persecution

Here is the trailer for yet another Christian movie where the protagonists are living in a world where their beliefs are being persecuted. You might remember the entertaining but preposterous movie “Book of Eli”, where Denzel Washington played a blind man that had memorized the entire Bible, and as a result was the target of an evil Gary Oldman. At it’s heart, it was an action movie, which is what made it worth watching.

Unfortunately for entertainment, this premise wasn’t ludicrous enough. Now, a Christian production company has decided to make a distopia in which the Bible is made illegal, and the government forces people to have a more “inclusive” Bible. The main characters must now run all over the place with dramatic music playing in order to stop an evil government.

The comment section is pretty telling. A bunch of delusional Christians that feel as though the whole world is against them. These are the same people that are attempting to impose the Bible on everyone else, hoping to use the government as their cudgel to force it down our throats.

The agenda that is the teaching of the devil and is leading people to hell with him. Follow Christ’s teachings, and you will have eternal life. People different from you have every right to be on the same planet, but the right to enter the kingdom of heaven is given by it’s king, and his name is Jesus Christ. You will see him coming on the clouds, on the day he will judge you, and me, and all the living and the dead. The difference is, he is with me, and I am with him. Who are you with?

So basically you only really have the right to follow the Bible, and everyone else can burn in hell. What a pleasant god you believe in! No wonder his followers are all so fucking annoying: they keep thinking that if they aren’t in charge, the whole world will fall apart. This kind of fantasy is probably intended to make them believe that their attempts to undermine the separation of church and state is ultimately for the greater good. It just the kind of delusional, non-reality based thinking that these clowns are famous for.

So, whose in the mood to watch a bunch of crappy, third rate actors cry over not being able to read about how Jesus cursed a bunch of pigs. So sad.