Christians have no sense of humor

When I originally saw this billboard, I assumed it was actually the work of some clever atheist group wanting to poke fun at Christians; imagine my surprise to find out that it was actually commissioned by an Anglican church called “St Matthew’s in the City”. The billboard was up for a total of 5 hours before someone defaced it, proving once more that Christians have a poor sense of humor concerning their own ridiculous beliefs. I suppose if I believed in something so fantastically silly as a virgin birth, I might also be a little insecure myself.

Church spokesperson Clay Nelson was surprised people reacted so negatively, especially considering the billboard was the least provocative ad they had brainstormed about. They had turned down a sperm coming down with “Joy to the World” written above. I’m not even sure that one makes any fucking sense, but they sure are a ballsy bunch.

Of course the Catholic Church was dismayed, saying the images were disrespectful. Yeah, seeing Mary and Joseph naked together is shocking! Considering Jesus had siblings, they had to have fucked at some point, so I have no idea why Christians are so upset over the thought of their saints “shagging”. It’s probably the only half decent human thing I’ve ever seen these two characters do, since most of the time they’re depicted as hapless idiots trying not to get in the way of their supposed deity of a son.