The religion of peace has a problem. Islam seems incapable of living in harmony with other beliefs. In countries where the faith is the majority, religious minorities live in constant fear of retaliation over the slightest provocation. It’s not unlike the situation in Mediaeval Europe during the time of the Jewish pogroms. Now that Christians have taken a back seat to physically attacking people for not sharing their beliefs (which I’m sure there are many in America who feel it’s time for a violent comeback), it’s up to Islam to bully people for being different, old school style.
In Italy, a 12 year old boy was attacked when an Egyptian man overheard him tell his friend that he was an atheist. It was then that this coward decided that it would be a good idea to punch a young child in the face. Luckily, after he tried to escape, he was stopped by a brave woman until the authorities arrived.
It’s almost impossible to learn more about what happened, since the only news outlets to cover this incidents are both Italian, and seemingly uninterested in the details of the assault. The boy is fine, physically, but who knows what kind of lasting damage this random assault will have on him. This kind of behavior has become the norm for Muslims. Every other day, someone is assaulted, shot, or mutilated simply because the world’s most insecure faith chooses violence on a regular basis.
Just imagine the outrage if a 12 year old Muslim child had been randomly punched in the face simply because they told their friend they were a believer. There would be massive protest on the streets. Consulates would be on fire, and Italian flags would be burning. Instead, we sweep this under the rug, call it a day, and pretend that these types of incidents are rare. They are not, and we are fools for continuing to bury our heads in the sand.