Evangelical Pastor Smacked Wife For Getting Flight Upgrade

If you ever hear someone say that it takes a special kind of person to be a pastor, try to respond in a calm and civilized manner that they are severely mistaken, instead of smacking them in the face. It may be tempting, I know, but violence towards others is wrong, and only the lowest of the low ever feel the need to engage in such tomfoolery.

Well, not just the lowest of the low. It appears that an evangelical pastor named Roger Allan Holmberg, aged 75, was arrested after he struck his wife on an airplane. The incident began when she was upgraded to First Class, which royally ticked off her husband, an impotent pastor who has a history of abuse.

Holmberg’s wife, who was not noticeably bruised or bleeding, told authorities that her husband “had a history of abusing her,” and recounted the story about Holmberg having broken her finger last September, the complaint states. She said that Holmberg “struck her in the head with the back of his knuckles” aboard the plane, adding that Holmberg “knew [she] had epilepsy and that contact to [her] head could cause a seizure,” the complaint continues.

Of course, Holmberg tried to defend his actions, saying that he has often been disrespected by his wife. He claims not to be a violent person, but this is the same typical bullshit spewed by abusers. They are never the source of the problem.

He now faces up to a year in jail. Considering that he’s done nothing to take responsibility for his actions, he may not get much mercy from the court. I hope that his wife gets some sense and divorces this asshat. It’s probably too much to expect his congregation to hold him accountable. We all know how quick evangelicals are at forgiving abuse, so long as it’s a woman getting the brunt end of it.