Gay couple handcuffed by Mormons for “inappropriate behavior”

The universe is a wondrous place, filled with gigantic exploding supernovas, galaxies that collide into other galaxies, and immense black holes even light cannot escape from. And yet, in this amazing place buzzing with activity, we are supposed to believe an all powerful being is interested in what holes are being used for sexual intercourse.

I’ve always felt that religion’s paltry and pathetic answers to the questions of the universe failed to meet anything resembling a reasonable and satisfying explanation to why the cosmos is the way it is. I understand, however, that for some the comfort of believing a benevolent caretaker is behind the wheel brings a certain peace of mind in an otherwise random existence. What annoys me is when they feel it’s their responsibility to tell everyone else how to live, and in particular, how to have sex.

Two gay men were arrested and humiliated yesterday for kissing and hugging one another on a plaza owned by the Mormon Church. The couple was handcuffed and charged with a misdemeanor for failing to obey the commands of the security guards who asked them to behave ‘appropriately’ (in other words, ‘not gay’).

I’m anxious for the day when human beings will stop being so obsessed about what private parts go in what holes. It seems so pathetically petty to be so caught up in what is essentially humans showing affection and sexual interest for one another. Personally, I think we should all be fucking more, not less. If a supposedly omni-benevolent deity can’t deal with the fact some human beings prefer the company of the same sex, is that really a God anyone should be interested in worshiping?