Indian Government Opposes Criminalizing Marital Rape

What do you get when you mix religion and politics? Only the hellish nightmare that is theocracy, a toxic mixture of the worst aspects of both. In India, this has resulted in the government fighting countless petitions to criminalize the practice of women being forcibly raped during marriage. They consider punishing these rapists to be “excessively harsh“.

A number of petitions have been filed in recent years calling for striking down Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, which has been in existence since 1860. The law mentions several “exemptions” – or situations in which sex is not rape – and one of them is “by a man with his own wife” if she is not a minor… But the Indian government, religious groups and men’s rights activists have opposed any plans to amend the law saying consent for sex is “implied” in marriage and that a wife cannot retract it later.

You hear that ladies? You signed a contract, which means you have to put out whenever your partner wants it. Wow, isn’t love grand?

In all seriousness, it’s appalling that in this day and age, women in a democracy are still being assaulted, and the legal system they live under does not give one iota of a crap for them. It’s terrifying. It’s also a reminder that there are still groups of people out there who want to continue to normalize inhumane activities, all in the name of some deity they worship. It’s disgusting, and depressing. Who needs a drink?