Iranian Morality Police Paralyze Woman over Hijab

In North America, Muslim women will often be seen wearing a head covering in public. Supporters of the hijab say that it’s an important tradition, and the more liberal factions will claim that it is women who chose to wear them out of respect for their faith, and that there is no inherent pressure to force them to do so.

The rest of the world with their heads screwed on right know that this is just straight-up bullshit. While it’s true that if a Muslim woman wants to wear the restrictive headdress, she is exercising her freedom of choice, but rarely do we witness the real consequences for disobeying their little rules in their private lives. Already there is immense social pressure to wear it in secular countries. In sectarian ones, it is often with the end of a bayonet that these rules are enforced. To say it’s a choice is like saying that a hostage has a choice: to listen or to die.

In Iran, a woman was shot while driving her car, specifically because she was not wearing the hijab in her car. Arezoo Badri was returning home in her vehicle when police attempted to pull her over. She had apparently multiple “violations” for not wearing the restrictive headscarf, and this was enough justification to arrest her. When she failed to comply, they opened fire on her, striking her in the lung and spinal cord.

With the women of Iran already up at arms with the recent beatings and death of a number of women for the “crime” of not wanting to wear the hijab, police have attempted to keep the incident under wraps:

According to the source, her family is allowed only brief visits, during which their mobile phones are confiscated. Authorities have prohibited visitors from taking photos or video of Ms Badri – though some have emerged.

They know they fucked up, and they want to stop the “metaphorical” bleeding. They are fools. If anything, this will only add fuel to the fire. It is time that the inhumane theocratic government be toppled. It will be women who make the major difference in Iran, this I promise you. With the country threatening to attack Israel, it’s only a matter of time before this unstable government goes too far, and finds itself on the execution block. So long as the women there continue to live in terror, the country will never know peace.