Irish citizens want to be more secular

Things are not looking good for Catholicism in Ireland. The Ryan report is a gigantic bleeding wound that shows no signs of healing, and it seems to have seriously shifted the public’s opinion about religion’s place in society.

A poll conducted by Newstalk, an Irish radio station, found 70% of respondents wanted primary schools to be run by the state, and more than half felt religion had no business in schools. Here’s what some people were saying:

“It’s about time that Ireland became a secular state. Theocracy has had its day here”

“The Church can run schools if they want, but they should receive zero funding from the State.”

If things look bad for the Church, they are about to get worse, as another report detailing the handling of sex-abuse allegations against priests in Dublin is about to be released. Considering the history of abuse scandals in Ireland, I’m sure the over 1,000 pages will strike another deadly blow to the already battered institution.

The only thing remaining is the priests and nuns involved in the abuse scandal be put in jail. What we need now is justice, not just secularism. The government needs to act, and I’m hopeful this new report will finally help families that were victims of abuse find some degree of closure.