Jim Caviezel is a crazy Q-Anon idiot

I’ve never thought much of Jim Caviezel. The fact that he played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “Passion of The Christ” is the only thing I know him from, with the possible exception of the movie “Frequency”. His personal life was never something that interested me, and he never struck me as anything more than a pretty face. How wrong I was!

Recently, he did an interview where he claimed that Trump was chosen by God to be a new “King David”. Shockingly, the guy is way more crazy than just having a strange fetish with the Orange Cheeto. This put him on my radar.

Caviezal has blamed playing Jesus as a reason for why he is considered “toxic” in Hollywood. However, recent interviews and comments about him have surfaced, and it sounds like there are other reasons he is not getting any acting gigs. He’s apparently a huge Q-Anon, and a massive racist, and a genuinely dumb person. According to people who worked with him,  he puts people in serious danger due to his neglect and sheer stupidity.

In one scene filmed in Manhattan, he supposed to be driving to chase someone. He’s just supposed to pull out and stop the car for the camera, instead goes full blast, runs a read light, and nearly hits 4 pedestrians. When asked why he would do such a thing, he says it’s “because that’s what the character would do”

To make matters worse, the guy also has been pushing something called the “Adrenochrome conspiracy theory” with his film “Sound of Freedom“. This movie is about a former government official who rescues kids who are kidnapped by global elites intent on sucking the adrenaline out of their dying bodies in order to make a magic formula to live forever. He is convinced that this is based on a true story (it reminds me of the movie Kickboxer and how it was also billed similarly), and believes that he has done humanity a great service making this disguised religious dud.

If you really want to know more about this guy, I recommend you listen to this QAnon Anonymous podcast about him. It’s quite funny.