Madonna blamed for boating accident

There aren’t many beheadings that are celebrated around the world. It’s generally not a very positive thing to have a day dedicated to, but that hasn’t stopped morbid Orthodox Church in Bulgaria from marking the day John the Baptist was decapitated , which they celebrate on August 29th.

That’s also the date that Madonna, queen of controversy, chose to hold her concert there. Everyone had a great time, but it turns out by coincidence, a boat capsized on Lake Ohrid, killing 15 people. The Church has since blamed Madonna for the incident, saying her defiance is what caused God to kill a bunch of innocents in protest.

Anybody else get a warm and fuzzy feeling from the God character? No, I didn’t think so. I guess the Orthodox Church has never really stopped believing in the cruel despot of the Old Testament, who can’t help but express his dissatisfaction with humanity by causing endless disasters. Blaming an entertainer for what was actually the fault of the operators, (who greedily tried to fit more people on their tour boat than what was allowed) is not only low; it’s entirely pointless.