MAGA Pastor Thinks 10 Commandments Solves Everything

The 10 Commandments is perhaps the most overhyped, and underwhelming list of “moral precepts” that the world has ever seen. I’ve mentioned this in the past, but it’s worth repeating here: Apart from the commandments not to murder, all the other “rules” are too rigid and useless to follow.

For example, we are told not to steal. But what is someone to do if their child is starving, and the only way to feed them is to steal a loaf of bread? As for not “coveting” their neighbors wife, let’s not forget that this is done under the guise of property, and not because of the “sanctity of marriage”, since this list was written when men had multiple wives and concubines. It would also fly in the face of American capitalism, which seems to be a favorite among evangelicals.

Moral absolutes do nothing to help navigate the complicated ways in which we live our lives. This is why humans have spent thousands of years agonizing over morality, and this has produced many fantastic works of philosophy that we are still trying to grasp today. So the 10 commandments isn’t about morality. It’s about control, as even religious morons are willing to openly admit.

Enter MAGA pastor Jack Gibbs. Gibbs is part of the Christian Nationalist movement, and believes will all his heart, and none of his brain, that when schools are forced to display the 10 commandments, everything will change in society:

“If [The 10 Commandments are] obeyed, everybody’s going to live, nobody’s going to get murdered, and kids are going to stop lying about what happened to their homework, and teachers are not going to be raping kids anymore,” Hibbs said in a recent broadcast.

What fantasy is this guy living in, where an outdated and frankly useless list of rules magically eliminates all crime and stops child abuse? Gibbs, like all his religious counterparts, seem to conveniently forget that countless pastors, deacons and bishops have been raping kids for thousands of years, and only recently has the scale of the abuse surfaced. Assuming that religion cures all ills is exactly why these abuses happened. All a pedo has to do is dress up in a religious outfit, say a few prayers, and bingo, he’s in candyland. Because of the status religious folks automatically give to these creeps, and because of how the churches shelter abusers, it’s the best gig in town if you’re a depraved human being.

Here’s the only thing you need to know about religious hucksters like Gibb: they will do everything in their power to destroy America as it is today, only to replace it with a confusing, contradictory and chaotic theocracy that eats itself from the inside. I have a question for supporters of Christian Nationalism: what type of Christianity is going to rule exactly? The number of denominations are too many to count, and let’s not forget that they tend not to get along very well. In fact, most theocracies are in a state of constant conflict.

Wow, that sounds amazing! Where do I sign up?