New Scientist sees through the deception in Texas

There’s more info from the New Scientist about the proposed changes to the science textbooks over in Texas, and it doesn’t look too promising. The Board voted to completely remove the age of the universe from the textbooks, and more importantly, they claimed students will not be penalized if they subscribe to a specific opinion on science. In other words, if a student answers on a test that the earth is 6000 years old, his answer won’t be considered wrong.

The article also goes on to say the real brains behind this is obviously the Discovery Institute. They desperately want teachers to get sued for teaching religion in science classrooms, especially in a state where they have a strong chance of getting a different outcome than the Dover trial.

Luckily, it’s not all gloom and darkness. Senator Rodney Ellis and Representative Garnet Coleman are trying to introduce a bill that would transfer the authority of textbook adoptions to an organization run by people who actually know something about science. The Texas School Board of Education is also having elections next year, so hopefully they put a few more scientists and a few less real estate agents and dentists.