No One Is Going To Church Regularly

You can always count on religious people lying. Most of the time, these lies are self serving. Usually, the faithful lie about their own piety to appear more religious, which always seems like it’s a contest or something.

One recently exposed lie is church attendance. The self reported number of Americans attending church weekly is around 22%, but a new study has found that the number is actually closer to 5%. The researcher used cellphone data to track the whereabouts of Americans, and to see what their weekly schedule looks like. To say that people are exaggerating their church attendance is an understatement. The numbers make it look like almost no one is going to church regularly anymore.

It’s a pretty shocking number. Now granted, around 70% of Americans will attend a church service at least once a year, but the trend is clear: religion is becoming less and less relevant in people’s lives. There are still 45 million people that visit churches weekly in America, but it’s looking like this group is constantly changing. The lesson here is simple: people are pretending to be more religious than they are, in order to convince others that they are pious. It’s just sad.