Not allowed to be blasphemous?

A lot of you will disagree with me on this one, but the UN is possibly one of the most useless and corrupt organizations in existence today. The ideology behind the UN is nice enough, but in execution, it has shown itself to be inefficient, blind, and often backward. This new resolution to make blasphemy illegal is just another example of how corrupt the UN is.

The law calls making “acts of hatred, discrimination, intimidation and coercion resulting from defamation of religions” illegal . In other words, you can’t talk smack about religion, because apparently some people get a trifle upset. There’s a clear agenda behind this: Islamic countries are tired of people making the link between terrorism and Islamic faith. Newsflash: there is a direct link.

One guy in India was arrested for ‘hurting the feelings of Muslims’. Great. I was worried my own government was slowly becoming a police state. Now I’m going to have to watch what I say as well? I fucking dare them to come to my door and arrest me. I’ll make such a stink they’ll think twice about pulling this kind of shit on anyone. Hey UN, stay out of my house, stay out of my life, and deal with the fact people are allowed to say whatever the hell they want.