Octuplet mom looks to God for assistance

Nadya Suleman has an obsession. Since she was a teenager, she’s dreamed of being a mother. Nadya has recently given birth to octuplets, adding 8 children to a house that already has 6 of them. She is not married, lives in a small apartment, and when asked how she plans on taking care of so many babies, she responded simply that she will look to God for answers.

The eyes of the nation are on her, but I think Nadya doesn’t yet quite understand that many are anticipating her failure. Caring for 14 kids, including 8 babies simultaneously, is a job which would require a fully trained staff to handle properly. All Nadya has for help is her mother, who has already expressed her disapproval of her daughter’s choice to have the controversial in vitro fertilization which led to her unusual pregnancy.

In terms of stories, I can tell you with confidence that ultimately, this one will not have a happy ending. This woman clearly has a few issues, and her obsession with having children has allowed her to be put in a situation beyond her control. These babies are in a fragile state, and no doubt will have development problems later on due to low birth weights. Some may require extended medical treatment she can ill afford. The woman is on food stamps, but it’s surely not going to be enough.

If she’s as religious as I think she is, Nadya probably thinks all of these babies are some kind of miracle, despite the obvious fact their entire existence is contingent on medical science. It wasn’t God that impregnated her with so many embryos. It was a doctor. And it’s medical science that is allowing these children to continue to develop and grow outside of the womb. God is not going to be splitting the groceries with her, or changing their dirty diapers. I have a feeling this story isn’t going to end very well, and I foresee child services getting involved very soon.