Olympic Game Ceremony Drive Christians Crazy

If you’re a sports fans, odds are you may have tuned in this Saturday to watch France’s opening ceremony for the Olympics. If there had ever been a show intended to demonstrate just how much the French could piss off religious nutballs, this would be it.

The ceremony began by praising a number of historical women, which right away probably started to piss quite a few people off. However, it was their “piece de resistance” that really got to the faithful: A parody of DaVinci’s “The Last Supper”, featuring a number of non-binary and trans performers. This, apparently, was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“The Olympics opens by making a demonic mockery of the Christian faith,” fumed one viewer, while others vented that it was “overt pagan and satanic symbolism”.

The scene, which actually depicts the Greek god Dionisius, appeared to Christians to be some sort of unholy symbol. These religious wackos are always accusing anything they don’t like of being “demonic”. It couldn’t occur to them that those “so called” demonic images have actually been poached from ancient rituals, later declared demonic by a church that was busy burning people alive for not being faithful enough. Of course, expecting Christians to know anything about the world other than their favorite dead guy is a stretch.

So, who are you going to listen to? An artist that made a kickass show, or a bunch of tight-ass religious losers who worship a bearded guy threatening hell for non-believers?