Pakistan is still messed up

I got some good news and some bad news. I’ll give you the good news first; according to the latest Pew Poll, Pakistani support of the Taliban and al Qaeda has been declining over the past few years, and more and more people are concerned over extremism in the country. They also are beginning to see that educating women is important. All of this sounds pretty encouraging, right?

Ok, now that we’ve covered the good stuff, it’s time for the bad news. It seems that Pakistanis are increasingly supporting severe laws; roughly 83% of the population supports stoning adulterers, while 78% of them want the death penalty to be applied to apostates. An overwhelming majority also support giving judicial power to religious judges, which is essentially the same thing as handing over the keys to your house to a raving fucking lunatic.

The majority of Pakistanis also believe India is a major threat to their security, mainly due to the fucking depressing quagmire that is Kashmir. Considering both of these countries are nuclear powers, the threat of armed conflict should scare the living shit out of everyone. Pakistan is a damn mess, and I have great fears the situation there is not improving. What’s the solution? I’m not sure, but I can tell you one thing; if anyone has any doubts religion isn’t the main source of these problems, kindly jump off a bridge please.