Pakistan Sentences Blasphemer to Death for Insulting Mohammed

Do religious people know what persecution is? Apart from doing the persecuting, most faiths are of the opinion that not believing in their bullshit is an insult, punishable in some instance with death. They value their little idea so much, that anyone who thinks differently is an apostate, and that the crime of thinking for yourself is the most serious offense.

In Pakistan, a young man is facing the death penalty after he was accused of sending texts critical of the prophet Mohammed. Because his fellow countrymen and all dangerous faith zombies that place their feelings over everything else, his life, and that of his family, are effectively over.

Aslam Gujar, a lawyer who represented student Junaid Munir told The Associated Press that the judge in the city of Gujranwala in Punjab province announced the death penalty for his client last week. The trial stemmed from charges brought in 2022 that Munir shared blasphemous content via WhatsApp.

As you probably guessed, it’s impossible to find out exactly what this young man actually wrote, since no news organization has the stones to actually report anything that might offend the most dangerously insecure religion in the world. We just have to take them at their word that a few lines of text between friends merits a young man’s life being snuffed out. Must have been one hell of a joke, I tells ya!

Munir’s father also faces life in jail, presumably for raising the blasphemer. This will no doubt spell disaster for the rest of the family. Boy, you can just feel the love of their fellow man, can’t you? This is the same group of folks that claim that theirs is a religion of peace, and that once the whole world believes in the same crap they do, the world will know unimaginable prosperity… this is also the same group of morons who think that a horse can fly. So, take their violent and repressive religion at your own risk, people.