Paraguay’s Catholic Sex Ed Is Useless

One of the greatest inventions of the 20th century was the condom. This little device, used correctly, has prevented the spread of STI, and other deadly infections. In countries ravaged by HIV, it is one of the only known methods to stop the spread of this deadly disease. Condoms can be mass produced, distributed for almost nothing, and they save lives.

Now, why would anyone oppose the use of this life saving device? If you’re the Catholic Church, it’s because of two passages in the Bible that you’ve decided to interpret rather generously. The first passage is from Genesis, when after genociding his own creation, God tells Moses to “be fruitful and multiply”. When there’s only a tiny family left from your murderous temper, that’s understandable. The other passage involves a man called Onan, who pulls out at the last minute rather than impregnate his recently widowed sister-in-law. God kills him for this act of contraception, and ever since then, Catholics are convinced that their chosen deity is totally against any form of birth control.

Since the very beginning of it’s creation, they have been busy convincing the world that condom use is wrong. Like all religions, they are willing to lie in order to achieve their goals; after all, it’s not a sin to lie if it’s for Jesus, remember? In 2002, over 64% of all premature deaths in the continent of Africa were caused by complications due to the HIV virus. Thankfully, that number has dropped, but there are still over 400,000 that die every year due to the disease. This reduction is transmission is directly attributable to the use of condoms, which again, the church is adamant is wrong.

In Paraguay, they are trying to teach the same nonsense in their “Sex Ed” class. The country has the highest rate of teen pregnancy, thanks to the Catholic church having tight control over education there. The country is trying to reform their education, but they’ve doubled down on the religious aspect:

The curriculum, a copy of which was obtained by the AP, promotes abstinence, explains sex as “God’s invention for married people,” warns about the inefficacy of condoms and says nothing of sexual orientation or identity.

Oh, and lets not forget how much they hate it when people touch themselves:

Masturbation, it says, causes “frustration and isolation.” Marital love lasts forever. Girls should beware of “how their way of dressing makes men behave.” Female puberty is “the body preparing to become a wife and mother.”

Marital love lasts forever? What planet are they from? One where abortion is illegal, and where divorce is nearly impossible, presumably. I feel bad for the people of Paraguay. They are still under the yoke of religion, which intends to make them more fearful and ignorant. That’s just how the Catholic Church like’s em!