Pat Robertson hates free speech

I know he’s a bit of an easy target, since every second word out of this man’s mouth is something horribly offensive and totally out of date. We all have that racist, misogynist grandpa we’re embarrassed by, except we don’t normally have to listen to his hateful rhetoric on TV. Pat has a massive audience of gullible idiots who continue to pay for his lavish lifestyle, and it’s with his network that he’s now decided to attack atheist billboards, which displease him so much, he ironically demands that atheists should not be allowed to speak freely, and all this ‘first amendment’ stuff doesn’t mean jack shit.

I don’t know about you, but I like that he’s feeling rattled. I hope he continues to say shit like that, because if I know Americans, if there’s one thing they can’t stand, it’s anyone telling them to shut the fuck up.