Proud Atheist gets a death threat

When you blog about atheism, the occasional death threat or hateful message is inevitable. I’ve been fortunate enough to have avoided such unpleasantries, though I credit my low profile more than anything overly friendly about me. New to the list of victims is Mark from Proud Atheist. He put up a post a few days ago celebrating his 1st year anniversary (my how time flies, no?), and this was one of the comments he received:

Yes, happy first and LAST anniversary.

Your sins are too mighty to repent for, our Father will send you all to hell when you die! I will hack into this website and destroy it; and find your personal information too, so I can blow up your house—but your destiny is so fucked up that I don’t know why I would bother! I may, however, hunt down your friends and family and slaughter them—that would cause you great pain, would it not? I have gotten signs from God that approve of doing this to all fucking atheists! Someday you may find a gun at your head, or cyanide in your drink, or a grenade in your home—but I will kill you, make no mistake! The sooner you go to your eternal punishment, the better!

This guy is an obvious lunatic, and here’s hoping Gabriel Tanejo is just another hateful coward.

(Note: The site no longer exists)