Saudi Arabia Sentences Woman to 10 Years for Social Media Post

I know that some of you may sometimes feel uncomfortable when I say that Islam has a profound fear of women. Perhaps it’s because you buy into the idea that criticizing the religion is perhaps racist. This is because of all the psyops that has been carried out on you with the word “Islamophobia”. It’s defined as an irrational fear of Islam, but I am here to tell you that the fear of this religion is no irrational. It is logical. You need only trust your senses, and undoubtedly come to the same conclusion.

If you need more proof, look no further than Saudi Arabia, where the religion reigns supreme. The women who live there are getting a little tired of being second class citizens, and a few of them have taken to social media to argue for their rights. This has been deemed unacceptable, and one young woman, by the name of Manahel al-Otaibi, who was particularly active on social media, was arrested and has a secret trial that sentenced her to 10 years for “terrorist offenses”. Recently, she was attacked in jail by another inmate:

This week, Manahel told her family she had been stabbed in the face with a sharp pen by an unknown assailant and required stitches. Her family said they had tried to report the attack to the Saudi government’s Human Rights Commission, but were ignored. Along with her sisters, Maryam and Fawzia, Manahel had been targeted with a campaign of arrests, threats and intimidation after posting messages about female empowerment.

This is what the face of bravery looks like. A woman standing up to an entire society that wants to impose its values upon her. Now her life is in constant danger is a system that is designed to oppress women, and make them no different from chattel slaves. This is to be expected in any country where the world’s most hateful and violent religion is allowed to reign supreme.

So, remind me again: what part of Islam is it irrational to be afraid of?