Saudi Arabia sucks

If you’re a feminist and care deeply for the plight of women, you need to take a look at Saudi Arabia and the painstakingly slow and awkward way they are modernizing. In the news today, a group of 26 women were given special training to allow them to sell lingerie.

The government isn’t too happy about allowing these women to work, but because only men are currently selling underwear, this impropriety takes precedence over the fact women aren’t allowed to do much else beyond stay home barefoot and ‘preggers’.

Personally I find Saudi Arabia to be the most backwards place in the world. Here is one of the wealthiest countries on earth, but because all of its money comes from oil, they have never been required to modernize like other industrialized nations. It’s almost as though an empire from the 12th century is still in existence, and has the financial power of a 21st century country.

You’ll recall this is the same dusty shithole where women aren’t allowed to leave their homes unless they are dressed in suffocating burqas, and are accompanied by a man (that they have to walk behind, of course). When will this world stop treating women like second class citizens?