Saudi police prevent fire rescue

People sometimes criticize me for taking such a strong stance against Islam. I’m told it’s a religion of peace by many of its practitioners. I’d like very much to believe them, but the actions of its strictest adherents continues to shock and dismay. Take this story in Saudi Arabia where 15 school girls died in a fire. Their deaths could have been prevented, but the rescue was hindered by the fact the police would not let them out of the building because they were dressed too provocatively.

It’s one of those tragedies you wish was a joke. Surely, no human being could possibly prevent someone from leaving a burning building for not obeying the dress code, right? Well, Saudi Arabia benefits from a religious police force called the ‘Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice’, which is just a long winded nomenclature for what is essentially a thought police. These guys are feared, and they enforce dress codes, prayers and sexual segregation with intimidation, beatings, and incarceration. If you want an example of police who’s main duty is the subjugation of its citizens rather than their protection, look no further.

The school was already a death trap, the doors having been locked down prior to the fire in accordance to segregation policy. The police only added to the tragedy by literally beating anyone who tried to go in or come out. That 15 women died seems of little concern to them; after all, they were only women in their eyes.

I’m supposed to believe the bullshit story this religion is peaceful rather than the misogynistic, barbaric and morally bankrupt belief it is? Sorry, but in my book, a religion is judged by it’s actions. So far, Islam has proven itself to be incompatible with our modern values, and free thinkers like myself will continue to warn people against its tyranny.