Staring at the Sun heals (apparently)

Hira Ratan Manek (or HRM as he’s known) believes staring at the sun heals

When navigating around the endless New Age nonsense out there, inevitably you’ll run across a gamut of different emotions, ranging from surprise to utter shock at the gullibility and stupidity of the human race. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, a new group of doe eyed true believers come out of the woodwork. This time, it’s a goof troop in Atlanta who believes staring directly at the Sun, 5-45 minutes a day, is making them lose weight and feel great. I admit it; I’ve been tempted sometimes to look at that giant ball of gas millions of miles away; after all, it’s the reason there’s life here on Earth. Who isn’t curious to see what it really looks like? Luckily, we can in complete comfort using special telescopes (yeah science!) Of course, we were always told that staring directly at the Sun without special equipment was about as smart an idea as shoving a fork in an electrical socket; but, than again, not everyone takes good advice. These sun-gazers believe that the life-giving properties of our favorite star revitalizes them, by infusing them with vital energies.

If you’re looking for some scientific proof to these crackpot claims, don’t waste your time. It’s the same tactic every New-Ager uses: say the word energy, and life force, and people will buy anything you say (as well as your crummy high-priced merchandise). Who needs science anyways, when your guru is a retired Indian spice trader who has rabbit like sideburns? His ideas are so beyond science, it takes a spin doctor to understand what the hell he’s saying.

We have a super computer in our bodies given to us by the nature, which is our brain. HRM (Hira Ratan Manek) calls it the brainutor. The brain is more powerful than the most advanced super computer. Each and every human being is gifted with innumerable talents, and infinite inherent powers by nature. Individuals should never underestimate themselves. Everyone is gifted. If we make use of these powers we can take ourselves to great levels. Unfortunately, these infinite inherent powers are programmed in that part of the brain that is largely dormant and goes unused. Even medical science agrees we hardly make use of the brain but about 5-7% the most brilliant of humans like Albert Einstein is reported to have used only about 32% of their brains.

Where does HRM get his facts? Presumably from the wisdom of Mother Earth! But wait, there’s more nonsense! He goes on to say:

Sun energy is the source that powers the brain, which can enter and leave the human body or the brain only through one organ that is the human eye. Eyes are the Sun Energy’s entry door to the human brain. Present day teachings and ideas such as don’t look at the sunlight at all –you will damage your eyesight; never go out in the sun as you will get cancer, are causing needless hysteria and paranoia. The more you are away from the nature, the more there is a cause for illness and you will automatically support global corporations.

Well, just in case you thought that perhaps Mr. Manek might not know what the hell he’s talking about, bask in his unique understanding of our solar system, as HRM informs us that the Sun is the biggest planet in our planetary system. Wow, and here I stupidly thought it was a star!

The rest of us who possess a little common sense can laugh at the ridiculous claims of people like Manek, who is just another type of Breatherian (those who essentially believe they can survive on only sunlight and water). So long as people are desperate to believe anything a bearded weirdo is willing to tell them, we can expect the continued survival of similarly sad and deluded individuals.

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