Taliban Bans All Images of Living Things

If there’s one thing that religious fundies love to do, it’s to ban things. Books, music, and television shows, you name it, they’ll forbid it. The most egregious of religious nutjobs come to you courtesy of Afghanistan, where the Taliban is busy making everyone’s life miserable. When they aren’t busy banning music, dancing, and anything that’s fun, it’s now on to the really important stuff: banning images of living things.

It’s all in the name, folks. “Tal-i-BAN” Banning things is in their DNA so bad, they just had to put it at the end of their names! In all seriousness, all of this would be hilariously stupid if it wasn’t so tragic.

Afghanistan’s Taliban morality ministry pledged on Monday to implement a law banning news media from publishing images of all living things, with journalists told the rule will be gradually enforced.

Now, you might be wondering how journalists would be able to report the news. Luckily, the Taliban has them covered:

They advised visual journalists to take photos from further away and film fewer events “to get in the habit”, a journalist who did not want to give his name for fear of reprisal told AFP.

You see? They just need to get in the habit of filming, and by extension reporting, fewer and fewer things, until all news is basically a feed from the local mosque. If there had ever been a more miserable and loveless government, I would love to hear it. This is medieval level of ignorance, and as is typical, this stupidity is brought to you by religion: Yes religion: still making the world a worst place since time immemorial.