Terrorists Attack Orthodox Churches, Synagogues in Russian

Russia has a lot of problems. Following their disasterous invasion of Ukraine, the country has faced a number of setbacks. First, the entire western world has essentially put a stranglehold on their economy, which despite their best efforts, is rapidly crumbling.

Russia is also a federation, which means that there are many “provinces” that have a huge variety of ethnic minorities, some of which are not exactly the biggest fans of the Russian Empire. With the army busy getting killed in another country, local militias have begun to make trouble, knowing that given enough time, they might win their independence.

In Dagestan, a territory that has a large Muslim pullulation, Orthodox Christian and Jewish minorities live there under a fragile peace, which was recently broken. A highly coordinated group of terrorists, acting as sleeper cells, launched attacks on several Churches and Synagogues simultaneously. Over a dozen police officers are dead, and the total count of injured is still being calculated.

This incident is similar to the one that happened in March, when Islamic fundamentalists attacked a concert hall, killing a total of 140 people, and burning down the historic building. Despite the fact that a jihadist group had claimed credit for the attack, Russia blamed Ukraine and the West, saying that this attack had been orchestrated to destabilize the country. Experts had predicted that by ignoring the very group that had claimed responsibility for the attack, Russia would only embolden the terrorists more. It seems as though this is a response to this, considering that the vast majority of casualties were police officers. Anxious to not learn any lesson from the past, Russia is again doubling down on its accusation that it was the West that organized it, despite the fact that American spy agencies had already sent warning to Russia about a possible attack. This warning was ignored, and hundreds of people paid the price for their stubbornness.

Anyone interested in reality will quickly see this for what it is: Russia wanting to refocus the population into hating the collective West. Still, for what little these lies galvanize the populous against the western world, it exacerbates the problems they already face at home. Chechnya and Dagestan have always been hotbeds for Islamic insurgency, and with the army occupied attacking another country, an opportunity to create instability in the region is opening up for these terrorists. The fact that Russia again ignores the threats from within their own territory, and tries to frame this as part of their own disasterous invasion of Ukraine only demonstrates how incapable they are of running their own country. The Rubble is tanking, their economy is in shambles, and Russia is even offering territory to China in return for aid. So much for the expansion of the Russia Empire! At this rate, China will own their asses, and the only thing that will be left will be empty vodka bottles and soldiers with PTSD.