The Faithful Who Stayed Behind In Florida

The dangers of climate change are real. Those who deny it typically do so because the inevitable conclusion, that we are responsible for our own fates, interferes with their unfounded conviction that a big man in the sky decides everything for them. There has always been a deep religious current in the anti-climate change movement. They believe their god loves them, and would never allow any harm to befall them for using something so convenient at petroleum.

Hurricane Milton, which has reached a category of hurricane reserved only for the apocalyptic variety, is on it’s way to Florida, and the government has asked everyone in the danger zones to evacuate. Most have complied. Those that haven’t have some spectacularly stupid reasons for doing so:

Sherry Hall and her family decided to stay in their house several blocks from the ocean, despite many of their neighbors leaving amid warnings of a storm surge up to 15ft…”I’m not saying that I’m not worried. I’m not worried about me or my husband, but when you have children you worry about them,” she said. “As far as life-threatening and all that, we have good faith in the Lord, and we hope and pray for everyone, not just us. Items can be replaced but life isn’t about things, it’s about people and keeping people safe.”

That’s some serious cognitive dissonance right there. This moronic woman thinks that life is precious, and needs safe-keeping, and yet she still chooses to put her kids in danger. They have an almost zero chance of survival, and there are plenty more tragedies like Sherry all around the coast. Florida, after all, is heavily religious, and that has all the hallmarks of a disaster in the making.

My prediction is that there will be many dead, and that the religious right will lay the blame on any progressive institution they can, while talking of the other side of their mouths how there is too much government interference into their lives. When your solution to all of life’s problems is “The Bible”, it’s pretty easy to be critical of everything else, isn’t it?