The Taliban At War With Happiness

If there’s one thing that fundamentalists hate, it’s joy. They seem positively allergic to it. When all you have in your life is religion, it seems to create in a person a sense of violent superiority, and the sight of anyone enjoying their life outside of the narrow confines of faith drives them to violent madness.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban has been in power for nearly 3 years now, and in that time, they have banned things like music and dancing. Worst still, their religious thugs patrol the streets, enforcing this ludicrous ban on the simple joys that humans have.

A man by the name of Jalili Ahmad said that during his wedding, a bunch of enforces showed up to the celebration, beating him and several family members, and arresting his father-in-law for 10 days.

“They humiliated us and destroyed the best day of my life,” he said. “They are at war with happiness.”

Afghan weddings used to be the stuff of legends, with lively music and dancing to celebrate the union of two people. Now, these joyless hypocrites attack anyone that dares to shuffle their feet a little too gracefully. Well, not everyone exactly. You see, so long as you’re part of the “winning team”, you can do whatever yo like. For instance, a number of Taliban officials have been caught on video dancing in celebration after their commander’s son was born.

What a surprise that religious assholes would have different rules for people who are part of their clique. It’s always like this. Religion is just an excuse for tiny minded thugs to control the lives of others, all the while engaging freely in the things they ban. I bet you these jerks secretly drink alcohol, watch porn, and do just about everything they claim to hate. Did you ever see Osama Bin Laden’s porn stash? No? Well, that’s only because it’s never been declassified. Wonder how sick that shit was…