The Trump Bible Grift

I am, like many of you, sick and tired of Donald Trump. American politics is so ubiquitous that while I live in a different country, I am nevertheless constantly being bombarded with news of this awful man, and his pathetic grifts. It’s quite frankly exhausting.

The latest grift comes from Oklahoma state superintendent Ryan Walters. You may recall that he’s the moron who is forcing schools to teach the Bible, and now we have a very clear idea as of why: in their bid for publishers for the order of 55k of these Bible, only one so far meets the narrow criteria: The Trump Bible.

“The [request for proposals] on its face seems fair, but with additional scrutiny, we can see there are very few Bibles on the market that would meet these criteria, and all of them have been endorsed by former president Donald Trump,” said Colleen McCarty, executive director of the Oklahoma Appleseed Center for Law and Justice.

The thing is, Bible are typically very cheap. That’s not the case with the Trump Bible. Rather than cost roughly 3 bucks per bible, these sorry excuses for books retail for more than 60$ each. So, rather than spend 200k on this extremely illegal action, they would instead require the state to give Trump 3 million for his crappy bible with sticky pages and a weird smell. It’s typical that the orange clown can’t actually produce anything of quality, and that these types of grifts are the only way he’s ever made money.

America is quickly becoming a theocratic nightmare, despite the fact that fewer and fewer people go to church. It’s only a matter of time before their government becomes another branch of the church, and then, people won’t have the choice not to go.