This Dude is Dumb

Why is it that Christians who have never in their life studied evolution think that they know anything about it? I realize that there’s a cottage industry of hucksters that constantly pump into their deluded heads that Charles Darwin was a racist, and how this signifies that evolution is therefore wrong. Still, the Dunning Kruger effect is in full swing here, where this dude thinks he can undermine the most tested theory in science because its founder was racist.

First, it’s always tricky when discussing the views of people who lived in different times. Was Charles Darwin a racist? If we were to judge him by the standards of the time, he was no more prejudice than the average person. This meant that he believed the idea of the time that humanity was separated into different races. It’s not difficult to understand why. But this only means that he was unaware of the true extent of his theory, and it would be hard to imagine that any person living in the 1800’s would not carry with them the prevailing opinions of the time. This would be the equivalent of denying gravity because Newton drank mercury, fully aware of its dangers. Truths are not defined by the people who discover them. They exist independently of the individuals bold enough to discover them.

Secondly, it’s quite hilarious how out of touch with modern science Christians really are. Darwin’s contributions basically ended with his theory, and we have since moved far beyond his speculations. We now have a number of complementary sciences that corroborate this incredible discovery: genetics, fossil records, and geology to name a few. Each of these disciplines lends credence to the idea that we all share a common ancestor.

Thirdly, the reason why Christians are so scared of evolution is because of how it shows that there is no need for a creator for our existence. All of the diversity of life can be explained through the mechanisms of evolution, which includes, but is certainly not limited to, natural selection.

Lastly, I think it’s pretty disgusting to accuse black atheists of supporting racism by practicing intellectual integrity. Your “blackness” was supposedly a curse from God , if I recall the Bible correctly (Shem seeing his father naked and being cast out), and this is a truly grotesque and disgusting idea, far more than the fact that we all share a common ancestor.

I got bad news for you my man. You dumb. The good news is that if you read more than one book, you might actually start to learn something.