Two-faced baby worshiped in India

I’ve written a few articles on many of the strange superstitions that run rampant in India. Luckily, this one is a much less harmful (especially compared to witch burnings), although still just as damn weird. It seems a baby was born near New Delhi that has two faces, and now the locals believe she is the reincarnation of a god.

Since I don’t like being a depressing atheist killjoy all the time, I’ll tell you a bit of good news for a change. It seems that the fascination of the locals may actually help the parents, since they are giving them gifts and donations in hopes of pleasing this new deity. Babies born with these kinds of serious deformities tragically die quite young, but so far, doctors are saying she’s fine. Hopefully, this harmless though relatively silly superstition will help a young girl get to experience the joys of being alive. Let’s just hope all this ‘God talk’ doesn’t get to her head…

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