What lessons can we learn for Ken Ham?

Here’s Answers in Genesis douche Ken Ham doing his best to misinform children about objective reality. We’re all aware of his refusal to accept Evolution, and he’s quite clear about exactly why: he thinks the idea was invented in an effort to undermine God. That’s what’s so great about it. Ken, unlike his more “moderate” counterparts, understands correctly the conclusion we are to draw from Evolutionary Theory; there is no master plan to life, and it arises simply as a function of natural laws. By admitting this, he shows the simple truth all deeply religious people often try to deny; there are fundamental incompatibilities between religious dogma and scientific facts. The only difference is he’s open about what he’s doing, while people like Ben Stein and his creationist ilk masquerade their theism as science. I ask you, which one do you find more contemptuous and subversive?

Before you flip your lid and worry Ken is causing irreparable damage to their minds, I’d rather you focus on the fact there’s really little way to reach these children with the facts “out there” anyway. As schools across the country continue to try and throw evolutionary science out the window, the ability to counter programs like the one in the video is starting to look impossible.

It’s not the 39% of the US population who refuse to believe in evolution that scares me, it’s the fact that 36% of them just “aren’t sure”. You’ll always have crusty die hard God peddlers like Ham pushing their idiot stories down all of our throats, and there’ll always be a large percentage of the population who just wants to bury their head in the sands and wait for the Rapture. You won’t convince them of anything they didn’t rigidly decide to believe long ago, and there’s really no point in trying. The evidence is out there, and if they want to accept reality, they are free to do so at any time. But the fact that a third of the country “isn’t sure” about a fundamental theory of science is the result of the subversive efforts of the religious right to undermine its teaching on a local levels. Let’s face it; if there is something religious people are good at doing it is ORGANIZING themselves. They tend to do that pretty well, surprisingly enough. It’s also the reason these people generally have any fucking power to begin with.

So the solution to this kind of problem requires a little bit more than shitting on easy targets like Ken, we can’t forget the more pressing issue these dogmatic robots are good at something it seems non-believers are not: getting organized. Fail at that, and you get fucked by the people who are.