Wow, I’m convinced!

There’s nothing like drawing a bunch of circles to convince an atheist God exists, am I right? Now before you pull your hair out watching this creepy, glass-eyed woman as she tries to convince everyone her advice on converting atheists is useful, let’s examine her little claims. It all basically boils down to one thing:

“Is it possible for God to live outside your circle of knowledge”

I don’t think there’s an atheist out there who would deny such a slim possibility exists, but we’ve never really fallen for the “God in the Gaps” argument. It tends not to fulfill a very important role: namely, to prove a point! The same argument could be used to justify anything from unicorns to fairies, so it doesn’t tend to hold much water.

Let’s play a game. I call it “spot the fallacies”. Since you guys are pretty savvy and tend to love picking at easy targets, I’ll get you warmed up with three of my own:

  1. Appeal to popularity: So many people already believe in God, so it must be true!
  2. Appeal to ignorance: We don’t know everything, so surely we don’t know there is no God. Therefore, there is a God!
  3. Appeal to a stupid drawing: Ok, this isn’t an actual fallacy, but I did find it comical how convinced she was her little drawing proved something. It would have been quaint if she didn’t seemed so convinced from her own bullshit.

Hey lady, if your nephew was a serious atheist, he would have simply stated although we don’t know everything, all the knowledge we have gathered offers no proof of your invisible sky-daddy. That’s all there really is to it! If you walk around trying to prove that you’re Napoleon, you’ll have to provide some pretty serious evidence to back up your claim. That’s what we want as atheists, and that’s what religionists continue to fail to deliver. Show us the proof, people!