2010: the year of the Bible

When I think about the year 2010, the first thing that comes to mind is the sequel to 2001 A Space Odyssey. It makes me think about how optimistic Arthur C. Clark was in terms of the human race’s engineering skills. Let’s just say it’s doubtful we’ll be sending anyone to Jupiter. In fact, rather than being a scientific Mecca, the world seems to have taken a nasty turn towards superstitious belief. Case in point: there is currently a bill floating around in Congress that wants to make 2010 the ‘Year of the Bible’.

(1) to designate an appropriate year as ‘The National Year of the Bible’; and

(2) to issue a proclamation calling upon citizens of all faiths to rediscover and apply the priceless, timeless message of the Holy Scripture which has profoundly influenced and shaped the United States and its great democratic form of Government, as well as its rich spiritual heritage, and which has unified, healed, and strengthened its people for over 200 years.

The text goes on to say the Bible has apparently “…inspired compassion, love for our neighbor, and the preciousness of life and marriage, and… healed and blessed our families, communities, and our entire Nation, especially in times of war, tragedy, and economic and social crisis”. I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but anyone who thinks the Bible is an adequate moral guide has never actually bothered reading it. The wording makes reference to the moral teachings of both the Old and New Testament. You might remember that these same texts were used to justify slavery, and used to torture and kill suspected witches by the Pilgrims. Anyone who has any degree of moral fiber will admit the Bible is one of the worst ethical texts in history.

These kinds of stupid and unconstitutional bills are in direct response to the momentum and visibility of the Atheism movement, make no mistake; the Right is trying to show everyone the Bible is the true heart and soul of the country rather than The Declaration of IndependenceThe Constitution, or The Bill of Rights. This is the kind of fight we have to be prepared for. These religious idiots will fight us at every turn. Each time a poll comes out showing that our numbers are growing, they will act with increasing impunity to destroy the separation of church and state. It’s going to be a long and hard battle against superstition, ignorance, and nonsense. Hope you’re all ready to fight the good fight!