A New Book on the Bible and Sex

Yes, it’s true that like most men my age, I occasionally obsess about sex. I can’t help it really; it’s encoded in my genes. Try as I might, anytime a book comes out with the word sex in the title, I feel compelled to read it (well, at least the opening chapter usually).

So imagine my delight when a fan sent me a link to this article in NPR which featured a new book called “Unprotected Texts: The Bible’s Surprising Contradictions about Sex and Desire”. It’s got everything a growing boy needs: it exposes the hypocrisy of the Bible, AND it dissects the naughty parts of the “Good Book”. What more could you ask for?

If you’re reading the Hebrew Bible, we might have polygamy again. We might have not only polygamy with wives, we might have polygamy with concubines and slaves,” she says. “And if we’re reading the New Testament, we would avoid marriage. The overwhelming opinion of New Testament writers is that marriage is a waste of time and that we shouldn’t be doing it because we should be spreading the Gospel. … If you’re married, you’re totally distracted and not focusing on God. If we took the New Testament seriously, we would all stop being married.

We’ve been saying the same thing here at TGA; any Christian telling you that “God” commands that marriage be a union between only one man and one woman has obviously never bothered to read the Bible. How many concubines and slave girls get raped by the patriarchs of the Hebrews? You don’t even want to know, brother!