Absolutely stupid

Hey, do you have a few minutes to kill and you want to see how a terribly constructed argument works (or doesn’t)? Well, head on over to “proofthatgodexists.org” and let them blow your mind with their irrefutable logic!

Basically the site has a welcome page that wants you to chose 4 different buttons to assess your belief. Depending on what answer you give, it’ll direct you either out of the site (if you chose the “I don’t give a shit” button) or into a little page with wordplay (asking you if it’s absolutely true no absolute truths exists). Once they have your feeble mind entrapped in this idiotic word game, and you decide to click the “There is Absolute Truth”, the sale is on to get you to believe in God.

It is true that God does not need anyone, let alone this website, to prove His existence. The Bible teaches that the existence of God is so obvious that we are without excuse for denying Him. No one needs proof that God exists, I simply offer these 8 steps to the logical proof of God’s existence in addition to what you already know (and may be suppressing).

Ok, so God doesn’t need to be proven because he’s so obvious, but there are a bunch of proofs anyways. Seems like a waste of breath if that’s the case, but who am I to argue? I didn’t write the damn thing.

What’s hilarious about this site is anytime you try to disagree with it on the concept of fundamentals, it asks you a completely loaded question which basically makes your mind up for you. When you dare question the idea of absolute moral laws, you get this:

1. Molesting Children for Fun is Absolutely Morally Wrong
2. Molesting Children for Fun is not Absolutely Morally Wrong.

If you chose the second option, you’re told you in fact have no morality since you’ve evidently made a bad choice! But wait, it gets more awesome as you travel deeper. When asked if the laws that govern the Universe are material or immaterial in nature, the obvious answer (well, to us materialists anyways) produces this hilarious gem:

If you believe that laws of logic, mathematics, science, or morality are made of matter, please show me where in nature these laws are. Can you touch them, see them, smell them, hear them, or taste them? Rather than have you produce a material, physical law I will narrow down the field for you… just show me the number ’3′ somewhere in nature. Not ‘three things,’ not a written representation of the number 3 but the real physical, material number 3.

It is my hope and prayer that you come to see the futility of trying find an abstract entity in nature, and return to seek the truth, otherwise your road to this site’s proof that God exists ends here.

Is there ultimately something ironic about the fact he wants someone to produce material proof of a concept? Maybe just a little. Remember, he’s convinced already he’s right, and he’s still trying to entice you with the ultimate proof.  In a weird way, it’s the religious equivalent of a “choose your own adventure book”.

Alright, it’s getting a little long after a while, and you start to wonder what the big payoff is, after a while. Finally, it’s the end, and the author wants to blow you away with this one:

The Proof that God exists is that without Him you couldn’t prove anything.

That sounds like something a burnt out stoner would think of. Your proof is that without this improvable being, there would be nothing to prove at all? Did this fucking guy feel like a genius when he said that? I almost feel like he only had a few educated friends who weren’t willing to be honest with him and inform Blaise Pascal here this is the very definition of one of the most basic of all fallacies: a tautology. There’s literally no value to that statement at all.