American Women now Less Religious Than Men

Ladies, it’s time to celebrate! For decades, I’ve been reporting on the sad fact that more men were declaring themselves as atheists than women. For a while, there was tons of speculation as to why this was the case. The best hypothesis at the time was that women tend not to want to upset the “apple cart”, and that religions often carried a traditions and customs that many women were typically responsible for maintaining.

Well, it looks like this theory is complete bullshit, as a recent poll in the United States has shown that women are now on average less religious than men. This follows a recent trend of men and women becoming more and more separated in their political affiliation. Essentially, men are becoming more conservative as women become more liberal. The overall effect on couples is that we now live in a time with the lowest marriage and intimacy rates in the history of mankind. It’s a strange time to be alive, that’s for sure.

I think part of the reason for this discrepancy is the impact that religion has had on women’s lives recently. The repeal of Roe vs Wade, and the decision in Alabama to treat embryos as children has sent a pretty clear message to women: you are breeding stock, and your body is not your own. It seems as though the response from women has been simple: ditch the religion responsible for making your life miserable.

The good news for us atheist guys is that it should be getting easier to find a girl that won’t insist that you teach your kids about sky daddy. I can’t tell you how hard it was in the early days of atheism to actually find a non-religious girl. Now it seems they are everywhere! We just need the balls to actually ask them out. Hey, one thing at a time, and I right?