Christians Face Political Division and Abandonment

It always fascinates me the way that religious people try and justify the reasons for why their sales pitch isn’t landing anymore. Some say that it’s trust in institutions in general that has eroded people’s faith. Others point to the fact that the increasingly worrisome behavior of Christians Nationalists have turned people off to their religion.

Still, you can’t expect a person who’s livelihood is dependent on the continued existence of these man made religions to have much insight as to why people are leaving in droves. Keep in mind that religious organizations are some of the richest groups on earth, and they have a near unlimited amount of funds that they could use to set an example, and to attract people due to their good works. Instead, they all behave similarly: their greed and avarice is obvious to all. The Mormon church has a financial portfolio of over 100 billion dollars. They could literally end world hunger tomorrow. Imagine how many new converts they would have with such a move.

IT also seems telling that no one has answered that the decline of religion occurred at the same time that the Internet began to have more influence in our lives. This means that people were able to learn more about their religion, and in almost every case, this tends to make people less religious.