Churches concerned over lack of Gen Z generosity

Churches around the world are in trouble. You see, young people are leaving Christianity in droves, and those that are staying have very shallow pocketbooks. This is the latest discovery of a recent study of protestant pastors that found that the majority of them were very concerned that the next generation of Christians were finding themselves unwilling to be charitable:

The future of the Church depends in large part on generosity. And that generosity will soon hinge on a generation who presently exhibit less financial security and lower levels of Christian affiliation, church attendance and charitable giving than their elders”

There are several reasons for this lack of “generosity”. For starters, Gen Z is poorer than their parents. They are also more educated about church misconduct, and it hasn’t helped these religious organizations that so many sexual abuse scandals have surfaced. It’s not exactly great marketing. Lastly, Gen Z might be politely showing up to church, but it seems the main reason is just to please their parents or grandparents. They lack their own reasons for showing up, and that’s a good thing.

The fact is, religiosity is dying among the younger generation. Living in the information age has made it practically impossible for churches to keep their flock. Either some scandal erupts, or a basic internet search will thoroughly destroy any claims made by the religious.

So, how are these guys going to keep paying the bills? Who cares!