This is just plain weird: convinced of the superiority of their “argument” (mainly that their super-dad made everything so a few white people can enjoy it), they’ve decided to specifically target Penn Jillette to a debate on evolution. Firstly, they want him to answer their “15 questions evolutionists can’t answer”, a grab-bag collection of old creationist canards they think has merit. I’ll summarize them here:
- How did life originate?
- How did the DNA code originate?
- How could mutations create the variety of life we have?
- Why is natural selection taught to explain the diversity of life?
- How did biochemical pathways originate?
- We think it looks designed. Why don’t you agree?
- How did multi-cellular life originate?
- How did sex originate?
- Why are transitional fossils “missing”?
- Why hasn’t evolution transformed everything into something super-smart?
- How did evolution create morality?
- Why does society “tolerate” the teaching of evolution?
- Where are all the scientific breakthroughs due to evolution?
- Evolution deals with history. Why is it a science?
- We think evolution is a religion. Why is it taught in science class?
I recommend you actually read the fully phrased version. It’s fucking hilarious. Anyways, they also make a few stabs at his weight, which has become their new obsession as of late. They wrote an article recently suggesting the despair of abandoning God, or being angry at him, creates depression which leads eventually to obesity. It’s rather deranged logic, especially since there’s actually data to suggest the opposite. Regardless, it seems like a ploy to try and piss him off. I’m willing to bet it doesn’t work.
Penn has nothing to gain from engaging these bozos, since they’re so caught up in their little delusion they actually think the “evidence” of evolution points to their creator God. It makes me wonder how anyone can accept “God did it” as a satisfactory answer to all 15 of their little questions.