Danes ban burning of Koran

I’m getting pretty sick and tired of the way Europe and North America kowtow to Islam. Due to both misplaced fear of prejudice and genuine fear of reprisal from the “religion of peace”, the Danish people have decided that criminalizing the defacing of religious symbols is a good idea. Well, I should be more specific: spineless social democrats and Liberals made this decision, not the general public.

This is actually a move backwards. The country had eliminated blasphemy laws back in 2017, but has since re-introduced a version that explicitly calls out the defacing of the Koran as having “major consequences”:

The bill prohibits “the improper treatment of objects of significant religious significance to a religious community.” There is no doubt, however, that it is the public burning of the Quran that the government wants to prevent. Indeed, the bill refers to such acts, mentioning their “major consequences” for Denmark and “its interests,” as well as its “security.”

I’m hoping that the hundreds of artists and writers who signed a petition demanding the withdrawal of the bill has some traction, but I’m guessing otherwise. What really needs to happen is that someone with some balls needs to challenge this ridiculous law. I would love to see them squirm to punish someone who dares to defy this unjust law. If any Dutch Muslim has a problem with free expression, they can always move to a country that does not value this sort of thing.