David Koechner calls Catholicism a Cult

The actor who played Champ in Anchorman opens up to comedian Neal Brennan about his experiences growing up in a strict Catholic family. Having had 2 uncles and aunts that joined as nuns and priests, he was in a household that lived by the Churches doctrine. In this part of the interview, he talks about how his family’s poverty was one of the main reasons for them joining up.

It’s crazy how many people out there have been abused and victimized by the Catholic Church. We tend to forget that about 40 to 50 years ago, the Church had way more power than it does today. It’s also sad to consider how many lives were ruined simply because of the desire to learn. It’s a reminder of how lucky we are today to have access to so much information and knowledge. While it’s definitely a blow against the Church in a variety of ways, it doesn’t mean they haven’t found new ways to try and entrap people to their vile blood cult.